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On Apr 3, 2015, at 1:31 AM, John Yeung <gallium.arsenide@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Maybe some have even given the RDi
trial a shot, and like what they see, but really *are* up against the

This is the part I find so hard to understand.

Is there anyone on this list who would not claim that they are as a minimum 5% more productive with RDi once past the initial hump?

Personally I’d say at least 25% and I know Susan feels that 40 or 50% is closer to the mark for her. I get at least 10% out of outline view alone!

Given that (including overheads) I doubt there are any RPGers out there who cost less than $100K a year - then if RDI is $1,000 that means that the programmer has only got to be a pathetic 1% more efficient to make it pay for itself. Anything above 1% is gravy.

And if you can’t even get 10% you ain’t trying and maybe should find a new career!

As I say - I really think the whole cost thing is just another excuse. Of course I’d be happy if it were free - I’m a self-employed consultant and that money comes right out of my pocket. But history has shown that this community does not really value what it gets for free - adoption went way up _after_ IBM put a price on the tool. It has zoomed again as people finally understand that SEU is not being updated.

Jon Paris


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