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There's a difference between the hardware side and the software side.
Sure, in the case of a service bureau or some such thing a per transaction
fee or some such thing may make sense as they would be burning more CPU or
some such thing.

I talked to one vendor. He'd rather charge more for the little guy since
they seem to need more support than the guy who has their own IT
department that knows what they are doing.

I too want the vendors to make money, stay in business, enhance their
products and provide support.

I just don't want the larger guys always having to subsidize the smaller

Who is most likely to drop maintenance and scream like a hungry baby with
diaper rash when it's time to upgrade when they get hit with the bill for
back maintenance and whatnot? Probably the smaller customer.

Do ERP software vendors charge by number of rows in your item transaction
history? By how often you run a bill of materials explosion? No, they
often charge by what modules you have: AR, AP, GL, INV, etc. That's why
it makes more sense to me to charge EDI by modules: 830's, 850's or
bundles thereof.

Rob Berendt

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