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I must say my experience deferred from yours. I was using a 2003 vintage Windows XP PC, and I loaded WDSc 6 & 7 shortly after they were released. Both were stable, and my productivity gain over SEU/PDM was enormous.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Schuch [mailto:bschuch@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 2:38 PM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for System i & iSeries <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Using RDi on v7r2 or v7r3

Sorry, Jon. I didn't see it that way. Cost wasn't the issue; performance was.

My own interest increased when the announcement came regarding SEU being frozen at 6.1. Since my company was moving forward to V7.1+ and there were some really good BIF's (%SCANRPL!) and other features (free H/D/F specs, **FREE, etc.) that were introduced in post-6.1 releases, the transition (for me) primarily happened when I got tired of seeing all the (false) syntax messages in SEU. The choice between NO syntax checking and false syntax errors is a "lesser of two evils" scenario that does not lead to anything productive.

I originally tried WDSC 7.0 when the conventional wisdom was that it was MUCH more stable than WDSC 6.0. The first day I tried to use/learn it, my PC (laptop with Windows XP) locked up tighter than a drum at least 5 times; I had to force shutdown and reboot EVERY time, which usually took close to 1/2 hour each time (due to recovery, I guess, and relaunching my normal applications such as Outlook, Client Access, and our Change Management application). I suppose WDSC worked acceptably well on top-of-the-line hardware, but not all of us were lucky enough to have that available. This was not even close to the "productivity gains" that were advertised, not to mention the frustration of having to regroup my thoughts after each reboot. After that first attempt, I simply gave up on WDSC until the hardware could support the requirements of WDSC. At least most of us now have sufficient hardware resources to support RDI's requirements, so that is less of an issue now.

Bob Schuch | U.S. Xpress, Inc.
4080 Jenkins Road | Chattanooga, TN 37421
Office: 423 510 3791
Fax: 423 510 4002
bschuch@xxxxxxxxxxxx | www.usxpress.com

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