I am (all at the same time) confused, disgusted, and angry at IBM /and/
Rational after reading this thread and Pete's blog.
I have been trying for months to convince my client to buy the successor
product (what is its name today? It has likely changed since yesterday...)
to what we currently have installed (WDSC version 7), but after reading this
thread I am tempted to give up and keep using WDSC 7 and/or SEU.
- sjl
Pete wrote:
Welcome to the world of SWMA renewal on the Rational products.
If you want a BP's perspective (mine) see here:
Even for a BP this is no easy process. The IBM contact I work through
was totally confused about how to *renew* because the e-config tool
doesn't allow for a *renewal*, at least for the BPon the developer
discount program . I finally ended up upgrading an expired RDi license
because it was cheaper than renewing my RDp license (?!). And yes, now
the product is RDG.
I have worked for two months with IBM to get the correct order placed
and then to get the SWMA records and PoE's straightened out and as of 5
minutes ago, I still didn't have download access to RDp 8.0 (only the
original WDSc downloads from our original purchase are available for
download). License keys? Fuggettaboudit....
The Rational software ordering/renewal process is VERY broken for some
of us and even a BP like me still cannot get IBM to get it right. This
isn't an isolated event. I think it is more common than IBM admits.
I can't offer a solution, only commiseration at this point.
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