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Joe Pluta wrote:
Then you haven't been taught, Charlie. It's as simple as that. How long
did it take you to learn how to code a subfile? It sure wasn't one hour.
And yet, you didn't go back to coding arrays on the screen, did you?

This is what I mean by expectations. We expected that subfiles were going to take a week or two to learn, but in the end would be worth that effort. What is different about the expectations vs effort ratio in WDSC?

I find myself continually amazed at the idea that you should be able to be
proficient in WDSC in one hour, and that if you aren't, that it's somehow a
waste of your time, especially from the veterans who have taken years, even
decades, to learn their craft.

This is what I mean by 'not a PDM-killer.' People are expecting Something Really Incredible from WDSC. Why, I don't exactly know, bit as near as I can tell, the general desire is to have SEU in grey that does A Lot More. But is still SEU.

By the way, there are some people for whom WDSC will never be a good tool.
Some people simply can't learn how to use a mouse, or have eyesight issues
that preclude taking advantage of large amounts of text. But for the
majority of capable individuals, if you could learn how to surf the web, you
can learn how to use WDSC.

I agree with this, completely!!!

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