× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Yes I do, Buck. Every time I teach my class, that's what 9 out of 10
people say. They love it. They say they'll use SEYU occasionally for

quick things, but they love WDSC. There's always one curmudgeon who
insists on ignoring the benefits and complaining about how WRKMBRPDM
starts faster, but the people who actually want productivity, they

Have you done a follow up with those students to see how they're doing

I attended one of Joe's sessions at DevCon last year (and several other
presenters) and I too walked away professing allegiance to WDSC. Now
several months later where am I?... occasionally, if time allows, I
remind myself to use WDSC instead of SEU.
I have many, many years of using SEU and green screen and am quite
proficient and productive using them. I have many minutes of using WDSC
and still have to stop and search on how to accomplish some tasks.
I don't work in a class room, I work in the real world and business
dictates "I want it yesterday". They don't understand you taking time
away from their projects so that you can learn to use something that
they see as having no direct benefit to the business. ("it doesn't
create income" - how many times have we heard that?).

Would I like to use WDSC more? Sure. Would I like the other developers
to switch use WDSC too? Yes. Will that happen any time soon.
Realistically, no. You can blast and browbeat those of us that don't
"do as you do" all you want, but when it comes right down to it, when
management comes my way and says "I want this yesterday" - I can jump
right into SEU and come very close to that deadline without losing time
relearning my trade.


PS: by the way, I LOVE SQL. I can't remember the last time I used

-----Original Message-----
From: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Joe Pluta
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 10:22 AM
To: 'Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries'
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] WDSC vs SEU

From: Buck

It is for all but the simplest tasks.

It seems self-evident that WDSC is not a PDM-killer, because way more
people use PDM than WDSC.


They'd have said the same thing about cell phones in the early 90s. Or
World Wide Web.

Listen to the complaints that every single newcomer to WDSC from PDM
to say and tell THEM that their impression is all wet. The universal
opinion is that WDSC is too complicated and doesn't offer enough
compared to PDM/SEU.

I don't have a single customer who says that anymore, Buck. Not one.

We veterans have spent a lot of time and energy trying to convince
newcomers of the truth in your reply and it's been a long, slow road.
It's my opinion that we (the WDSC community as a whole) have set
expectations too high -- unrealistically high.

Interesting. I teach people how to use WDSC and in one day they're
productive. I wonder what's different about my approach and yours,

Let's address your points. Superior search capability. True! Now
a straw poll. I have 2 questions.
a) Who uses search from the SEU command line?
b) Who uses regular expressions in WDSC?

I'm talking about the PDM search capabilities, Buck. Man, sit back and
down the caffeine <grin>. Seriously, the file search capabilities
blow PDM out of the water.

Integrated compile/errors far surpasses PDM. Listen the the newcomers
wonder how (and why) they need to set up the message filters and
the messages the error reporting sticks into their source. I happen
like the WDSC system, and after a very short while I'm used to
but how is it substantially different from F10, *err, F16?

Oh gz. If you can't learn Ctrl-F5 you need a new job.

Copying source between systems is easy with drag & drop but newcomers
count the time spent drilling down through the source tree as
frustration. SNDNETF is fast and can be scripted in a CL program so
that you can easily do incremental development and ship the source
times via a CL program.

And if you have a filter set up for your source, it's a breeze. Use the
tool. SNDNETF is nice if you have it set up, but not all machines are
up to support it between each other.

Everything in your reply, everything, is accomplished in PDM with
practically no more effort than needed in WDSC. We've raised their
expectations too high with comments like this.

You can't come close to the search capabilities (something you continue
miss) and you can't copy between machines without configuring SNADS.

This is another expectation that is unrealistic. What does 'more
productive' really mean? Can PDM programmers now type faster because
they switched? I get bang for my buck (heh!) via regular expressions
and (the once and future) scripting, things SEU can't offer at all.
Copy/paste? Every emulator has it.

More productive means an easy way to see everywhere a field is used and
from one place to another. An easy way to expand am externally
data structure or a file. Gz, Buck.

WDSC offers me more real estate than SEU, so I can easily copy a
lines of code and paste them multiple times (heaven forbid) in
open source members if I want to.

If this is the only benefit you can see from more real estate, then you
missing the point.

I've already switched, for a decade now. My challenge to you is to
convince the newcomers that switching from PDM to WDSC is hard to
justify. Can you recall a post from a newcomer that went like this:
'Just tried WDSC. Loaded quickly and ran flawlessly. Does everything
need and I'll never use PDM or SEU again!'? I can't.

Yes I do, Buck. Every time I teach my class, that's what 9 out of 10
say. They love it. They say they'll use SEYU occasionally for quick
things, but they love WDSC. There's always one curmudgeon who insists
ignoring the benefits and complaining about how WRKMBRPDM starts faster,
the people who actually want productivity, they love it.

There is a large
body of people who disagree with you, and continue to justify using
every day. I believe it's because WDSC has been positioned as the
be-all and end-all of Life, The Universe and Everything. At least in
their minds.

WDSC continues to gain share, PDM to lose. That's the fact.

I'm going to try to 'market' WDSC to the folks here at work again,
this time I'm going to try to set expectations a little lower. The
culture shock of moving to a GUI is apparently bad enough that the
adoption rate is just too low. I'll be positioning WDSC as a little
better than SEU, and for the obvious (i.e. anyone can see it when they
look!) screen real estate and coloured tokens (look -- no more stealth

Why don't you pay someone to actually teach the product, Buck? Maybe
your positioning, not the product.


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