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In addition to your thoughtful replies, I've noticed that when you correct
others, you do it with kindness.

In regard to the integration of PASE and ILE applications, including calls
from one to the other, Frank Soltis published a diagram that delineates the
technology stacks of both environments.


At the CPU level, PASE runs in Power PC Mode, while IBM i runs in Amazon
64-bit Mode. Both environments share portions of Licensed Internal Code.
PASE uses teraspace memory, while IBM i uses single-level-store. PASE uses
an interfaced named Syscall, while IBM i uses one named Technology
Independent Machine Interface. PASE is a subset of the AIX OS. IBM i a
separate OS. PASE applications and ILE applications may communicate with
one another through a couple different interfaces.

Calling from PASE applications to ILE applications uses the same interfaces
that are available to remote clients - QZDASOINIT and QSQSRVR Jobs, which
involves separate Jobs and inter-process communications (i.e. sockets).

Calling from ILE applications to PASE applications is a little different,
in that both environments may run in the same Job.The term remote procedure
call (RPC) is applicable in that the procedures are literally running in
separate address spaces and using separate technology stacks. A procedure
call literally invokes a processor switch from 64-bit Amazon Mode to Power
PC mode, for example. The simplicity of the RPC interface belies the
complexity of the switch in technology stacks.

In the case of server-based applications, the differences in language
syntax, libraries, and community support of various language environments
is less relevant than the overall technology stacks of their runtime
environments, in my opinion. My vote goes to the IBM i native virtual
machine because of its efficiency, performance, reliability, and
effectiveness at managing complex, concurrent workloads, which is a topic
worthy of another discussion.

On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 6:52 PM, John Yeung <gallium.arsenide@xxxxxxxxx>

On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 9:35 AM, Buck Calabro <kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The power of IBM i is the seamless interoperability between the various
parts. I can embed SQL in my RPG and I can embed RPG in my SQL - with
very, very little plumbing. I can embed Java in my RPG and RPG in my
Java - again, very little plumbing. I can embed C in my RPG and RPG in
my C. Each can send parameters to the other and get results back.
Directly. Not via an intermediate storage medium like a data area, user
space, scratch file, data queue or anything other than CALL/PARM.

I appreciate what you're saying. At least what I believe you're
saying. But I think it's slightly muddled. You've mentioned
"embedding" and CALL/PARM. I don't think these amount to the same
thing. At least, you've given several examples that have notable

The most "embedded" of your examples is SQL in RPG. Because we have
SQLRPGLE. SQL code literally goes in-line with your RPG code.

Embedding RPG in SQL. I guess by this you mean you can write SPs and
UDFs in RPG, and then use the SPs and UDFs in your SQL. OK.

C in RPG and vice versa. Hm. Are you now talking about the fact that
both generate ILE modules and are thus cross-linkable?

Java in RPG and vice versa. I'm the most hazy about this. I know
there's JNI, but I don't know much about it. I also know Java runs in
PASE. I get this vague feeling that Java does hold some kind of
privileged position among PASE languages, but I'm not sure I would
consider this tantamount to CALL/PARM. I also have this nagging sense
that JNI isn't symmetrical. That is, either "Java in RPG" is a tighter
integration than "RPG in Java", or the reverse. One way is "along the
grain" and the other isn't.

Whichever way is against the grain is, I would argue, getting pretty
far from CALL/PARM and pretty close to whatever trickery Aaron was
talking about with the VLANG project.

Maybe we should first clarify the VLANG project. It wasn't that clear
to me from what little I skimmed, but my impression was that the goal
is to be able to pass parameters in AND get parameters (or return
values) out. On the call. So as far as the programmer is concerned,
it's CALL/PARM. If so, maybe we have to quibble about efficiency or
type safety. And this is where I'm saying I think at least one of the
directions involving Java and RPG integration suffers from the same

CALL/PARM is immensely powerful. I can build function calls which are
easily, independently testable. Those tests form a suite which gets run
for every change, verifying that the integrity of all the prior work
wasn't affected by the latest mod. Those suites form a living
dictionary of the business functions, the rules, the bounds, the edge
cases that we guarantee are correct.

Testing individual functions can be done in any language. The rest of
what you're describing... I'm not sure depends on CALL/PARM. Maybe I'm
just not understanding well enough.

For me, PASE is like invoking functionality via RPC. It's better than
nothing, but it's not better than CALL/PARM, and it's not equal either.

OK, this is a nice statement. I definitely agree with you on the
hierarchy, pending learning something about the IBM i architecture
that revises my understanding of how PASE fits in. As far as I know,
by their very nature, communication between PASE and the QSYS.LIB
environment necessarily involves crossing some kind of barrier, or
bridging some kind of gap. Which can sort of be generalized as

But to me, RPC is so much nicer than those "intermediate storage
medium" methods you mentioned earlier. I mean, you've got sockets.
You're sending something over a wire, and that wire isn't even on a
different machine or a different partition. (Plenty of programs use
sockets to communicate with other programs running in the *same*

So, as nice as CALL/PARM? No. Certainly not as nice as ILE-flavored
CALL/PARM. But perhaps not as far behind OPM-flavored CALL/PARM as you
seem to be giving it credit for. After all, the 'PC' in RPC stands for
"procedure call".

For anyone who is thinking of refuting what I'm saying:

Please understand that I know my knowledge is very sketchy. Please
understand that I based a lot of my positions on guesses. If you can
refute my guesses (for example, the relationship between PASE and
QSYS.LIB, the goals or mechanisms behind VLANG, or the nature of JNI),
you are more than welcome to do so. I just ask that you don't go and
refute all my positions that depended on those guesses. If you show
that the foundation is unsound, we all understand that the rest of the
edifice is unsound. No need to point out, brick by brick, all the
bricks that have fallen over.

John Y.
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