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I have done PTF groups more than 100 times and I apply all PTF groups together every time in a row.

ONE RULE: Perm apply ALL PTFs first, then IPL to complete that. THEN apply all the new groups temp.

ONE EXCEPTION: If you are far behind in T/Rs, such as 'more than 4'. In that case we will Slip the LIC with latest ReSpin first and then run all the groups.

- Larry

On 3/28/2023 1:11 PM, ChadB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

In previous times, I would always use the following groupings when
installing groups of PTFs:

Cume/Hiper/DB2 as one Go PTF Option 8 set

Then other IBM groups all together as a separate Go PTF Option 8 set

Then any sets of individual straggler PTFs for apps and 3rd party concerns
as a final Go PTF Option 8 set

Is there anything wrong in this day and age with applying ALL the IBM
provided PTF groups together in one Go PTF Option 8 set? (cume/hipers/db2
and other groups at once, then a separate grouping for any stragglers as
described above)

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