× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 2:35 PM, Joe Pluta <joepluta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 4/11/2018 12:49 PM, John Yeung wrote:
I thought I was pretty clear. I want it to act the way it used to, because
I like that.

But, as you have confirmed, "the way it used to" is not even one
consistent behavior.

In my case, the viewable area in the old software goes from 960x480 to
1056x486. This means the height actually gets a little larger.

The window gets vertically larger for you but vertically smaller for
me, and you call this "well specified" behavior?

I'm not trying to be confrontational. I'm just trying to show you,
because maybe you weren't aware before, that the situation might not
be as simple it seems to you. When the client was reimplemented in
Java, there may have been some things which were technically not easy
to reproduce. I can tell you that I hate the way the new client looks,
for a completely different reason than you: it doesn't render fonts
well at all on my machine. Fonts that look smooth and clean in the old
client look clunky and irregular in the new client. Something is just
really messed up about it, and most likely it's not something easily

For your situation, you do have options, even beyond asking IBM for
the feature and waiting for them to implement it. What I would do in
your shoes, besides experimenting with the settings that it does have
and simply learning to live with the best you can find, as suggested
by Justin, is to write an AutoHotkey script which automatically
resizes the window appropriately when it detects a change in the
display mode (with the font adjusting itself accordingly). I haven't
played with having it regularly "poll" the window indefinitely, but
I'm confident it could be done. At worst, you could definitely program
hotkeys to resize the window on-demand. Not great, I know, but at
least it's something.

John Y.

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