× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I am interested in hearing IBM's response on this.

Have you tried IBM's tooling? Such as HATS, etc? Some of these could be
used simply as screen scrapers. But if you wanted to extend them it was
possible. Been a long time since I've looked at them.

Looking at the old tooling you have SDA. The replacement for that is RDi.
But at the end they both ended up generating DDS for your screen.

What are you looking for the new tooling to do?
- Generate HTML, etc? There's a bazillion web products out there already
and when it comes down to it there will always be the <name deleted> of
the world who will always decry on how the Windows supplied tooling is
- Generate apps for apple and android?
What kind of low level integration into the OS are you thinking of?
Something available to TCP as display files are to telnet? And while
support for display files is bundled into the operating system, the tools
to generate them are not. You pay extra for WDS to get SDA. You pay
extra for RDi to get that screen tool.

While such tooling should generate an end product that is stored on your
IBM i, such as HTML in the IFS, it sure as heck is not going to be
something you can run from a 3477 terminal.

Rob Berendt

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