× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Since the original post and replies that follow are rants against vendors
from people who opine from the perspective of being inside a company IT
department, have you ever considered the perspective from the other side of
the fence - from being a vendor yourself or working for one? Would your
opinion shift if you were to move from a position within an IT department
to one in a vendor shop?

The question of open and available pricing may be clear for
consumer-oriented shrink-wrapped products of limited scope, but less clear
for products and services that require negotiation.

Should all full-time employment candidates publish their compensation
requirements on resumes? Or, should they seek an opportunity to explain
what they may bring to the table first, before disclosing their "price".

Should vendors disclose their prices to people who may simply be doing
research for the purpose of displacing a vendor, by offering a competing
solution? Or, should vendors qualify whether a person is a valid prospect
(or a competitor) before disclosing their price?

On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 3:41 PM, Bob Cagle <bcagle@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Dear software vendors, why is the price of your software a secret? When
doing some initial research for a potential purchase, it would be really
helpful if you put your pricing in plain English on your website.

Take a cue from TL Ashford - https://www.tlashford.com/
TLA2/pages/tlaforms/pricing.html. This is not an endorsement of their
product; just a great example of how easy it is to communicate your pricing!

I don't have time to fill out a dozen 'contact me please' forms just so I
can have a dozen salespersons call me and drivel on for a half-hour how
much better their software is than the other guys' before finally revealing
the oh-so-secret price! Which is usually too high to begin with for my

Put your price, or pricing scheme (some are way more complicated than they
need to be), next to your 'features and benefits'. And if I like what I
see, THEN I'll give you a call. Sure would save all of us a lot of time.


Bob Cagle
IT Manager

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