× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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We are heavily using JasperReport reports on IBM i but I never ran across
possibilities for fillable forms.
However we are using an older JasperReport version, so I googled and found
http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/4185 but they
are saying there is only a partial implementation. Does not look like a way
to go for you.


2016-12-23 1:50 GMT+01:00 Richard Schoen <Richard.Schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

You don't need AFP to fill out a PDF form or to create a PDF form document.

You will next to learn some Java and iText though or maybe pay someone to
write you a wrapper.

Pete Helgren did a wrapper around the Jasper Reporting engine several
years back.

Not sure if that' still available or not.

Either way the direct answer to your question is No, but the indirect
answer is Yes it is possible with some effort.

Seems like an odd question to come from another 3rd party software vendor.

Partner up with another 3rd party company like HelpSystems or put on the
development gloves and get to work.


Richard Schoen
Director of Document Management
e. richard.schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p. 952.486.6802
w. helpsystems.com

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