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Loyd, there're all kinds of "in 21 days" books around that'll teach you the interface. Microsoft Developer's Network (http://msdn.microsoft.com and probably bundled with VB or Visual Studio) has a lot of good stuff, including tutorials and beginning programming guide.

OO isn't really all that hard - there's been a cutlivated mystique - and you probably think that way without knowing it. Classes are things that define what data looks like and what you can do with it, like getting it and setting it, etc. The object concept on the 400 (only certain things can be done with the guts of a file, e.g.) should have you well along the way.

The visual items in VB have basically 3 types of associated items - properties, methods, and events. Properties are the characteristics of something. Methods are things you can ask the thing to do. Events are things that happen to it because of user action (usually, although there are other things, like timers). A click event on the Cancel button is like an F3 - we code for these interface events all the time.

Although not considered elegant code, the examples in the CAE tool kit are helpful. For data access, OLE/DB (otherwise known as ADO) or ODBC are the way to go, mostly. But the CAE controls for data queues, etc., are pretty neat.

VB is useful because it is the script language for all MS Office products, as well as available for use in PC5250 macros (CAE emulation).

At 05:09 PM 3/31/2003 -0600, you wrote:
My boss believes I need to learn Java and/or Visual Basic. While I don't
disagree, I have asked "How does this make us money, save us money, or open
opportunities?" Certainly there is cool stuff to be done with VB or Java, but
just how does it apply to the business? No matter, one of my objectives is to
learn one (probably VB).


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