× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Something else to check.
I do not remember how this was handled on MAPICS.

Someplace your company would set how long you want to keep various kinds of
transactional history ... this can be a political football.
Purchasing wants to track price change history over several years.
Quality wants to track scrap percentage over many months.
Sales wants to compare how we doing with last year & the year before.
But there may be history that no one is using.

In fact with *OUTFILE query analysis, you can find software that no one is
We had been doing this to identify *QRYDFN no one used in over a year, to
evaluate which we still really need.

Later it might be useful for you to circulate a chart to department heads.
Here is how long we are storing various histories on-line.
Do we really need all of this data for this time duration?

Another related topic is if you have inventory locations with zero inventory.
BPCS creates records in files for each combination of
item-warehouse-location-lot to track inventory totals there, but many
combinations will reach zero on-hand & over time we find that the zero
locations far outnumber the in-use locations, so within our end-month
processing steps, in months where physical inventory is not involved, we run
a special BPCS reorg that cleans out the files that do inventory on-hand, to
get rid of the records that have zero inventory activity.

Another related topic is how long MAPICS stores information on orders that
have been fulfilled.  This is a big problem for our version of BPCS.
Basically BPCS does a poor job of end-of-life record keeping.

MacWheel99@aol.com (Alister Wm Macintyre) (Al Mac)

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