× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

keith.nolan@dubport.ccs.ie wrote:
> How do we externally describe a system36 file??  Probably a stupid question I 


The S/36 programs don't know or care if the files are externally 
described, so this is a very normal way to start a "conversion".
It will be mandatory in order to use RPGIII or RPGIV, so why not
go ahead with this piece of the puzzle.

 The S/36 files are easy to convert IF you have a "complete" layout:


1. Create a Test library
2. Create DDS specs for S/36 file & compile new file
3. copy S/36 file from QS36F to testlib/newfile with *nochk option
4. CHECK the file VERY closely for correct field definitions....
5. After a very complete check, run a few programs against new file.
6. If tests all run ok.. copy "new" file to QS36F and move on to next


You MUST account for every single byte in old file including blanks.

Make sure you define all packed and signed numeric fields correctly in

Use a user profile that is NOT placed in the S/36EE automatically, so
that the QS36F is NOT in the LIBL. This will prevent accidental 
destruction of production files when you compile "new" file.
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