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Hi Robin,

Let me see if I can address your issues:

1)  You (and Sam) are correct about the compile errors.  Apparently the ILE
SQL precompilers do not support DEBUGVIEW(*SOURCE) and OPTION(*EVENTF)
simultaneously.  When both of these options are specifed (the default
within CODE and probably what most every developer would choose as
options), the *EVENTF option is ignored by the compiler.  In V5R1, CODE has
provided a circumvention to this compiler restriction, by compiling twice
(if necessary) in order to achieve both an events file (which is what you
see open in the Error List window) and a compiled object which is
debuggable.  This circumvention will be (for the most part) transparent to
the user.

2)  This is a design issue, relating to the fact that Program Generator
uses the language profile, rather than the source type to select the
default label.  I thank you for pointing this out, and we will look into
rectifying this design point in the future.  I have opened an internal
defect for this issue. I would also note that once you compile (with
prompt) and select the appropriate label, CODE should remember that label
for the specific member.

3)  More information would be needed for me to better help you with this
problem.  Are you compiling interactive or batch?  Are you using STRCODE?
Are there any messages in your error log file?

4)  The default is always to show the Command Shell.  The reason that this
is useful is that sometimes the error list does not contain sufficient
information to let you know why the compile failed (ie. insufficient
authority etc)  If you turn the notification message off, you should find
that the error list will just appear unanounced once the compile has
completed.  I did notice that for batch compiles, that there are accelators
for the Yes/No buttons (ie you could just press Y or N), but these happen
to be sadly lacking for interactive compiles.  I have opened an internal
defect for this issue.

Hope this helps!

Violaine Batthish
CODE/400 Project Lead
batthish@ca.ibm.com          IBMCA(BATTHISH)

CODE/400 page:  http://www.ibm.com/software/ad/varpg
WDT/400 Support :

                    Robin Coles                                                 
                    <robin@ringbase.co       To:     "'CODE400-L@midrange.com'" 
                    m>                       cc:                                
                    Sent by:                 Subject:     RE: Code queries      
                    04/02/2001 05:42                                            
                    Please respond to                                           

Thanks for the info Sam, at least that's part of the SQL funnies that will
be sorted out.


-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel J Lennon [mailto:lennon_s_j@hotmail.com]
Sent: 01 April 2001 03:02
To: CODE400-L@midrange.com
Subject: Re: Code queries

There is a problem with SQLRPGLE which I reported to IBM last September.
They acknowledge it existed and last week confirmed that they will fix it

VR51.  It seems to be due to the SQL precompiler not creating an event

so if the precompiler fails you get nothing.  If the precompiler succeeds

fails to pass across to the RPG compiler the request to create an event


>From: Robin Coles <robin@ringbase.com>
>Reply-To: CODE400-L@midrange.com
>To: "'code400-l@midrange.com'" <code400-l@midrange.com>
>Subject: Code queries
>Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 16:55:34 +0100
>I love Code/400. but I've got a couple of minor problems with SQL and
>if I've missed ways around them....
>1) With SQLRPGLE source members, the compile errors never appear in the
>error list window.
>2) If I edit a SQLRPGLE program for the first time, CODE knows it's
>and allows the SQL lines in the source without complaint.  Try to compile
>and it runs CRTBNDRPG instead of the CRTSQLRPGI SQL equivalent.
>3) Occasionally a failed CRTSQLRPGI stops the Code host server.  I use a
>session as the server and there aren't any obvious error messages.
>4) I've got notify on completion selected, but on a failed create
>(obviously, I don't see many of these :-) the default button is display
>command window.  I can't remember ever wanting to do this.  Is there any
>to make the "No" button, or to allow Escape, or something else that's easy
>to hit in frustration to kill the window?  I know I can shut confirmations
>off completely,  but I just gotta know....
>Are there work-arounds for these?
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