× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

As I recall, having a separate whse in a separate company will not allow
you to maintain inventory *across* warehouses, so you may encounter some
difficulties there if there is a need to more material into/out of the
vendor whse from one of 'your' warehouses.

We house some inventory here for our subsidiary company (they own it, we
use it to make stuff that we sell to them).  We put it in a separate whse
and utilize logical files and  BPCS warehouse security so we can tailor our
onhand reports and inquiries to dis-include it.  We do, however, plan with

Carter Chamberlin
Schleicher & Schuell

|        |          Zzbpcs@aol.com |
|        |          Sent by:       |
|        |          bpcs-l-admin@mi|
|        |          drange.com     |
|        |                         |
|        |                         |
|        |          08/23/2002     |
|        |          09:45 AM       |
|        |          Please respond |
|        |          to bpcs-l      |
|        |                         |
  |      To:     bpcs-l@midrange.com                                            
  |      cc:                                                                    
  |      Subject:     BPCS 4.05 CD Vendor Managed Inven                         

Good morning.

We will probably have to figure a way to deal with
"Vendor Managed Inventory" ( correct term? )
  The vendor owns the inventory
  The inventory is still in their warehouse
  We want visibility to it
  We do NOT want to consider it "on hand" for MRP
  We do NOT want to count it or value it for G/L

We are thinking about a separate warehouse
in a separate facility in a separate company.....

Any suggestions ??

Jim Barry
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