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how do your generic subprocedure "guess" the dateformat in your numeric
field in your example ??


Scott Klement <web400@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: web400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
20-04-2010 23:29
Please respond to
Web Enabling the AS400 / iSeries <web400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Web Enabling the AS400 / iSeries <web400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [WEB400] Why use PHP? What are the disadvantages?

For a subprocedure? A reusable service that can be called from
anywhere? I'd love to have it be able to use that parameter as any
different data type!

As a trivial example, consider a procedure that inputs a date in MMDDYY
format and outputs it in YYYYMMDD format. wouldn't it be nice if the
input value could be a date field, character string, unicode string,
zoned decimal, packed decimal or integer field? So I don't have to code
a separate procedure for every single input type?

You don't see the value in this, Aaron?

On 4/20/2010 4:15 PM, Aaron Bartell wrote:
But here's my question. How often do you actually prefer a variable to
a character in one line of code and then have that same variable hold an
integer in the next? In all my uses of PHP that has only led to hard to
read code and lots of bugs (as it relates to business logic code).

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