× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


I am starting a new thread.

I was hoping someone would open the door for PHP. I would recommend
Zend Server for IBM i Community Edition. (GA, VERY soon, beta available
at link below) This is the no charge runtime for PHP and includes Zend
Framework. Why do I mention ZF? Simply because there is support for
Zend_PDF which supports a template approach to PDF generation. I am
working with some folks to put an nice example here. See this link for
the documentation on Zend_PDF for more details:

Once you start with PHP, you may never go back to Java ;-)

Of course, you can use FPDF in this environment too.

I am not aware of another solution to deliver PHP to IBM i short of Rob
Ward. But all I see of his previous site is a blog now. If you hear of
one I would like to know.

Below is a really BASIC example of Zend_PDF in action without a
template. It's not gl;amorous but I think you get the idea. There are
quite a few interesting components in this little hunk of code. In
addition to the Zend_PDF example is an example of how you can use the
library list in PHP, using PHP functions, DB2 error trapping, DB2 Fetch
of a record into an associative array (one of my favorites) and the use
of the root file system to drop the PDF. Once it is there you can do
with it what you want like attach it to an email, archive, etc.

Why buy tools when you can get this for free?


Mike Pavlak

Solutions Consultant

Zend Technologies, Inc.




Check out my blog at http://mikepavlak.blogspot.com/

Zend Server for IBM i Beta avilable at


// Bring in the PDF classes from Zend Framework

require_once 'Zend/Pdf.php';

// Read through detail records...

//Function to get Order Details...

function getConnection() {

$conn = "*LOCAL"; $name = "PHPUSER"; $pwd = "phpuser";

$LibraryList = array("i5_lib"=>"ZENDSMP010"); // Yes, you can
use a library list in PHP...

$db2_link = db2_connect($conn, $name, $pwd, $LibraryList);

if (!$db2_link) {

echo 'Connection failed: '.db2_stmt_error().' :



return $db2_link;


function getSales($orderNumber){


global $db2_link; // Share connection to DB...

$Sales_Rec = db2_exec($db2_link, $sql); // Execute the

if (!$Sales_Rec) {

echo "SQL statement $sql Call Failed: " .db2_stmt_error().'
: '.db2_stmt_errormsg();



// Roll through the sales records for this order and
calculate values...

/* echo '<table><tr><td>Order Number</td><td>Line Number</td>

<td>Product Number</td><td>Quantity</td><td>Line
Sales</td>'; */

while ($row=db2_fetch_assoc($Sales_Rec)) {








return $return;

// echo "</table>";


$db2_link = getConnection();

$return = getSales(5); //hard code order number for convenience...

// Create a new PDF object

$pdf = new Zend_Pdf();

// Create a new PDF page

$pdf->pages[] = ($nextPage =

// Create a new font

$font =

// Apply the font

$nextPage->setFont($font, 20);

// Print the first line of data on the page

$dataLine = "Sales Detail report for order 5\n";

$printLine = 576;

$nextPage->drawText($dataLine, 72, $printLine);

// Print the remaining lines of data

foreach ($return as $index=> $value)


$printLine -= 21;

$amount = sprintf("$%.2f", $value[4]);

$text="Order: {$value[0]} Line: {$value[1]}
Product: {$value[2]}

Quantity: {$value[3]} Amount:

$nextPage->drawText($text, 72, $printLine);


// Save the PDF in directory /tmp/pdf



echo "Order printed";

/* */


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