On Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 4:30 PM, Craig Richards <craig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here is a link to a screenshot I took:
I'd be interested to see what you think of the screenshot - if you agree
that it is not sharp.
Sorry, I haven't been following this thread because (1) I am not a Mac
user and (2) I am not an RDi user. Maybe that makes me doubly insane,
but I can still see, and I just happened to notice this post, so I'll
comment on the screenshot:
Clearly, the top row, where the native Mac stuff is, is quite sharp.
Looks very nice. That's what I'd expect from something billing itself
as a "retina" display.
The stuff that is inside the LPEX editing pane is interesting in that
it is pixelated but does NOT have any antialiasing. It appears you're
using a raster (not vector) font.
Everything else appears to be the same resolution as the LPEX editing
pane, but WITH antialiasing (a.k.a. "smoothing"). Some people find
that antialiasing makes things look better; others find that it makes
things "fuzzy". It also depends to some extent on the algorithms and
tuning. (For example, I always activate ClearType on Windows, but I do
have to tweak the settings to get what I think looks best.)
So RDi seems to be displayed at some resolution which is coarser than
retina. Whether it is as sharp as what you'd get from a conventional
"full HD" monitor, I don't know.
Good luck! I know I am dreading the day when I have to rely on ACS,
which is another Java-based application which has font rendering
John Y.
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