On 10/14/2015 12:54 PM, Ken Killian wrote:
Where did you do this:
Assigning a different keystroke sequence to keyRecorderStop did the trick, verifying my hunch.
LPEX Editor>User Action?
Window > Preferences > LPEX Editor > User Key Actions
I'm finding the filter/search box more useful every release. I find
these key settings by
Window > Preference
type 'key' (no quotes) into filter text box at the top
choose LPEX Editor > User Key Actions
Detailed explanation follows. Nothing lost if one skips it. Hoping the
archives will find some use for it.
There is a hierarchy to this preference. I found I understood it quite
a bit better once I'd made my own User Action. The most basic unit of
the hierarchy is the User Action. One can either create one, or use one
that IBM have made part of the public RDi interface. There are some
user actions (like 'comment a line' and 'uncomment a line') which IBM
obviously have created, but are not (yet?) part of the IDE that we can
access. Anyway, an example of an IBM-supplied User Action is
keystrokeRecorderStart or filterSelection. One can get a list of all
the IBM actions by pressing Escape to get to the command line, then
typing ?action, then pressing Enter. Follow the link to Editor
commands, actions, and parameters. Follow the next link to Default
editor actions. You can try these actions out at the command line by
typing action 'actionName', so for instance 'action keyRecorderStop' (no
Once a User Action has been created, it must be registered to RDi. That
happens on the LPEX Editor > User Actions preference for stuff one
writes, but IBM have already pre-registered all of theirs. That's the
list in the documentation I mentioned above.
Now that we have a User Action registered to RDi (or it comes with RDi),
we can assign a shortcut key to it. That's the User Key Actions
preference. On the left is the key sequence one wants to use, and on
the right is the action name we want to associate that key sequence with.
I hope that helps some.
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