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On 10/21/2010 8:29 AM, Edmund Reinhardt wrote:
I worked on SDA originally so I am familiar with both feature sets.
While you are correct that multiple selection is weak in Screen Designer it
has tremendous benefits over SDA, so I think it would be wise to give it
another chance.

Edmund went on to give many examples of places where Screen Designer beats SDA. Here's one which exemplifies why Screen Designer is already better, and will continue to progress: WDWTITLE.

Go ahead, modify the WDWTITLE keyword in SDA.

Well, try to modify it. But you can't. Because SDA doesn't support it. And as far as I can tell, it never will.

Screen Designer, on the other hand, not only supports it but as Edmund points out you can point and click and change it and see the effects immediately on the screen.

I agree that multiple selection is weak. But I'm willing to bet it will get better, and in the meantime for the majority of my work (when I'm not copying records or blocks of fields), I like Screen Designer.

Oh, and final point: if it were up to me, I'd ask for field sorting by position before block copy, but that's just me.


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