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It seems like PGMA may be a poorly written program, and I got the impression from earlier in the thread that techie21 did not want to change it, or was not allowed to change it, or didn't have the experience to change it. And thus may have been given an impossible job.

Your solution using *ESCAPE certainly will work and I hope there is enough experience to implement it. (Your level of assistance is exemplary.).

I suppose the alternative is to add a parameter to PGMA which is returned as blank if no error and contains the error message if there is an error.


On 12/19/2019 10:23 AM, Bruce Vining wrote:
I can safely say I would never have guessed techie21 was using DSPLY.
DSPLY sends *INFO message RNI5334, which is not an *ESCAPE -- *ESCAPE
being one of the message types (along with *NOTIFY and *STATUS) that can be
monitored (as has been mentioned in earlier responses by others). I'll
append an example shortly using *ESCAPE.


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