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A couple of points.

First, I am retrieving the original data; as many fields as needed.  But so aren't you.  That's kind of the starting point for both of us.  So there is no issue about that part.  We both do it.

Second, this is the RPG list; I feel comfortable in using RPG techniques in this setting.  The idea of refusing to use any RPG feature that isn't also available in HTML strikes me as an odd business decision.

Third, whilst not part of the discussion, you raise an interesting problem.  What do you do in the browser version when there is a data collision?  What extra work is created if there is a false positive?  I had not considered the browser solution, but it must be a real thorn when there are data collisions?

On 12/22/2017 5:19 PM, Henrik Rützou wrote:
Well it may seems pretty straight forward to you indicating that you are a
programmer locked-into stateful 5250 RPG because it simply
dosn't work in a stateless environment (even programmed in RPG) or in any
other program languages that hasn't got "datastructures"
the proprietary none objectoriented RPG way.

A REST/CRUD service on a server that is the most common way to communicate
file maintenance between a browser based client
and a server dosn't hold any information from previous call to it, so where
do you expect to store the "before values" in the client?

That means a lot of hidden fields that must reside in the browser since the
REST/CRUD service is unable to store the information.

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