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Which, of course, is designed to act as a simple way to solve the initial problem of colliding updates.

The more I follow this thread the more convinced I am that the simplest solution is to compare the before and after values of the specific field(s) in question.  Its easy, its clear, and it deals with the actual data and not on some hazy smoke signal from a field far away.  Saving the field's initial value is really not that many lines of code; certainly it is less than what is apparently involved in  getting & setting unique timestamps, computing micro-seconds, and with having to update micro-seconds.

To compare before & after, I use a variation of either a 3 data structures defined like the record involved, or if its a record with many fields and I am interested in just a few fields, a data structure of just the fields I care about.  the 3 data structures are: Original (prefix("Or_)"), the record, and New prefix("Nw_')).

Then, I read the record, load (Or_) and the screen fields, do the screen work, load (Nw_) and get the record again and compare for changes.  Thats pretty straight forward and does not concern itself with timestamp fields, or with false positives (a different field was changed at another work station).

On 12/22/2017 7:43 AM, Raul Jager wrote:
The initial reason to suggest row change is to know if the row has
changed between the time it was read to display and the time it is read
to update.

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