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On 2/11/2013 5:17 PM, Rory Hewitt wrote:

You missed what seemed to me to be the most important takeaway - that
*both*types of call (procedure vs. program) are very,
*very* fast. To the point that unless you're talking about performing tens
of thousands of calls, it probably doesn't matter much *performance-wise* which
you do. At which point, you realize that performance is maybe less
important than maintainability, flexibility and coolness.


On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 1:54 PM, Buck Calabro <kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I think the only real takeaways here are that sub-procedure calls are
quite fast compared to program calls, and that it takes a fair amount of
time to create a new activation group. The system is pretty much
behaving the way we think it ought.

That's a good point, Rory. Occasionally, some exotic performance
requirements take precedence, but far more often is the need for human
beings to be able to easily implement their thoughts as source code.

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