× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


Also, who do you know that can wear the same pair of socks for 40 years
without them wearing out and needing replacement?

How about Moses and the children of Isreal after crossing the Red Sea? At
least, it says their shoes did not wear out for 40 years. It doesn't say
anything about their socks. :)

Computers are designed to last perhaps 3 or 4 years. After that time,
they become obsolete and you need to buy new ones. (Especially PCs.)
Therefore, the demand won't dissipate when everyone has one.

The "problem" is that as the i5 becomes more powerful, some companies
replace multiple boxes with a single box even if the user count is going
up. Add to that fact the new boxes have enough power that you don't
necessarily outgrow them as fast as the early AS/400's.

And then of course the big factor of reduced sales dollars for the same
number of units due to lower prices, and you actually need to have a pretty
healthly growth in units to keep up the same sales dollars.


Plus, the demand does continue to grow. Years ago, you might've had
only one computer for the whole family to share, today each child has
his/her own. Same in business.. more and more employees need
computers. At least in our organization, as older people retire and
younger people take their jobs, I find more and more of the company's
employees "need" to have computers to do their work. (Obviously they
don't NEED it if they're predecessor didn't have one, but they say it
makes their job easier, and the company is therefore willing to spend
the money.)

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