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I hear you Simon, and Scott. But I had to work with a function that does not have a return code of 0 or -1 but does set errno - so what you are saying will not work in that situation - it is StrTod - unless you can show me differently, in which case I will be glad to change my code.

And StrToD sets errno - it is the same errno as is used for all other functions that set it - and it does not change it if StrToD works correctly - so one must set errno = 0 before calling StrToD if you want to check for any error. This CAN be done in RPG after calling __errno at least once - that sets a pointer to the global (C-environment) errno.


At 11:59 PM 11/19/2006, you wrote:

On 20/11/2006, at 3:16 PM, Vernon Hamberg wrote:

> Why? Because it is the generally accepted recommendation - as stated
> by Jon Paris as follows in his "Who Knew You Could..." redbook:

1) But it's not a generally recommended practice in C programming and
errno is a C run-time attribute
2) Jon wasn't the only author of that Red Book so it's possible this
recommendation came from a different source.
3) Even if Jon wrote the quote below I think he is wrong for
recommending it. My view is the same as Scott's on this one.

If you want to quote someone who knows what he's talking about** then
you'd be hard-pressed to find a more authoritative source than W.
Richard Stevens. From "Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment""
"There are two rules to be aware of with respect to errno. First, its
value is never cleared by a routine if an error does not occur.
Therefore, we should examine its value only when the return value from
a function indicates that an error occurred. Second, the value of errno
is never set to 0 by any of the functions, and none of the constants
defined in <errno.h> have a value of 0."

To me that says that testing errno for a non-zero value is valid but
testing it for 0 is not valid.

** Not suggesting that Jon doesn't know what he's talking about but in
this particular case, if he is the originator of the quote to which you
refer, then he's wrong.

> The error code is made available by the GetErrNo() function, which is a
> remapped __error() C function. The GetErrNo() function gets access to
> the ErrNo
> variable through a pointer. The ErrNo variable contains the error
> code. Before
> issuing any function that returns an error code, the ErrNo variable
> should be
> cleared. However, it is possible only after the GetErrNo() function
> was performed.
> If the error code is not cleared before the function is entered, the
> resulting error
> code may be false.

Only if you write code that checks errno without first checking the
function return value to see if errno SHOULD be checked. If you do that
then you are wrong.

> errno - as I know you know - is a global variable used by everything
> - it is not changed if not error occurs, so setting it to 0 just
> before a function that might set it and then checking it after is how
> I understand doing this.

You can't rely on the function you call AFTER setting errno to zero to
be the only thing that may change it. You and others are suggesting (or

set erro no to zero
call OS function X()
check errno is still zero

However you have no way of knowing what other functions are called by
X(). It may call Y() which might fail and set errno. X() might handle
this condition and therefore return successfully leaving errno to
whatever Y() set it. Checking errno to determine success or failure in
this case is obviously flawed.

A similar situation can happen in application code that wraps multiple
OS functions into one higher-level function--especially if it handles
the error condition. Unless you have the practice of always resetting
errno to zero after testing it you run the risk of getting a false
error condition. Note that IF you did this sort of thing you would be
flouting existing convention regarding errno.

Because you CANNOT know what happens to errno after you call an OS
function the only thing you can do is check the function return value
for an error indication PRIOR to testing errno.

> Not all functions return an error code - an example is StrToD - it
> returns a float value - it is commonly used to test whether a string
> is numeric - the only reliable test for errors is to set errno - the
> global variable - before calling StrToD and then checking it after the
> call.

strtod() is not a very reliable way of determining if a string is
numeric. Like most of these C conversion functions it makes a best
effort and never actually fails. It simply stops checking when it finds
a character that is not a valid digit. strtod() does have two pseudo
error conditions:
        a) overflow
        b) underflow

Overflow returns HUGE_VAL. Underflow returns zero. In these cases errno
might be set to ERANGE but not always. So checking result for +HUGE_VAL
or -HUGE_VAL or zero might indicate an error. HUGE_VAL is probably an
error but zero is a valid floating point value so might not indicate an
error. I've had strtod() return zero in an underflow condition but
errno has remained at zero. No way to tell whether zero is the correct
result. Given that errno is not always set by this function it's not
reliable to rely on it.

If you do use strtod() to check for a numeric string it is the endptr
string that must be checked, not the return value. Because the return
value is the only thing that MIGHT be affected by errno it follows that
errno can't be reliably used on its own either and certainly not to
determine whether a string is numeric.

> Tightly coupling the setting and checking will not cause problems
> with other functions, as far as I know.

See suggested example above.

Simon Coulter.
    FlyByNight Software         AS/400 Technical Specialists

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