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I'm having some trouble calling a Java class that takes an int as one of
its inputs.  I have tried the following as the prototype for the method

D  format                         O   Class(*JAVA:'java.lang.Integer')
D                                     Const

and this for the constructor:

D newInt          PR              O   ExtProc(*JAVA:
D                                             'java.lang.Integer':
D                                             *CONSTRUCTOR)
D                                     Class(*JAVA:'java.lang.Integer')
D  byes                       9999A   Const Varying

Here's the declaration for the field I'm using as the input parm for the
RPG program:

D xformat         S              5
 * I would think this should be 5I 0 or 5S 0, but it only compiles if I
declare this as alpha.

Here's the declaration for the variable I'm using as the input parm for the
Java class:

D sFormat         S               O   Class(*JAVA:'java.lang.Integer')

And finally, here's how I'm trying to create the java.lang.Integer object.

C                   Eval      sFormat   = newInt(xformat)

If it's not yet obvious, I really don't know what I'm doing here.  I'm
trying to adapt another RPG program we're using that calls a Java class,
but that one only uses strings.  I'd be happy to post all of the source on


Mike E.

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