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>What's IBM to do? Can't afford to alienate the traditionalists and can't
afford the 'old and
proprietary closed system' image that the traditionalists (unconsciously?)

My comment on this would be if IBM doesn't start catering to a younger
generation of programmers, from the RPG perspective, eventually people wont
even use RPG because companies wont hear that it has great new capabilities
comparable to highly publicized languages.

If my company buys a kick butt system where I don't have to worry about the
fast-ness of Java or database access complexities, why would I use RPG to
try and develop applications? ... I am just posing the question.

Aaron Bartell

-----Original Message-----
From: Buck Calabro [mailto:Buck.Calabro@commsoft.net]
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 9:32 AM
To: rpg400-l@midrange.com
Subject: ILE adoption rate

>> >Maybe it's because there just aren't that many of us
>> >doing ILE development yet.
>> I still hear that RPG III is plenty good enough and that
>> climbing a new
>> learning curve simply isn't worth it.  From programmers.
>> They view me as a special case who needs RPG IV
>> and ILE because I'm the interface guy and I
>> don't do 'day to day' stuff.
>I know this is true but nevertheless it's unbelievable!

I think this is a very perfect description of the RPG programming world.
The vast majority of RPG programmers are happy with the status quo and
regard changes to the language with suspicion.  The other group are annoyed
that RPG isn't moving into the present fast enough.  What's IBM to do?
Can't afford to alienate the traditionalists and can't afford the 'old and
proprietary closed system' image that the traditionalists (unconsciously?)

Rather than whine about it any more, I'll just say that there's little
question that RPG IV and ILE have made my code and my working life better.
There are more steps to climb, but I'm up higher today than I was yesterday.
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