× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


Sorry for the late response; don't know if you already found a
workaround or if you've given up.

Cheetah is essentially a pure-Python package. There is one optional C
module (which serves as a high-performance replacement for
NameMapper.py). Cheetah runs fine without it. So if you just ignore
that piece of it, you can "install" Cheetah the traditional low-tech
way, which is to fully unpack the compressed tarball (you can find it
at <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Cheetah/2.4.4>), find the "cheetah"
directory, and move or copy that to a place on the Python search path,
typically the site-packages directory.

(Note that there is a directory within cheetah that contains both
"cheetah.h" and "Cheetah.h" as two distinct files. Clearly this was
meant for a full-blown Unix or Linux, and can't exist in the IFS.
Depending on what you're using to unpack the tarball, you may be
prompted to overwrite one with the other. Go ahead and do so.
Ultimately, that directory will be ignored anyway because it's just
for building the C module I mentioned.)

Now, bear in mind I don't actually use Cheetah myself. I'm just
speaking as someone who (because I use iSeriesPython) only has the
"dump the package source into site-packages" method of installation

If you plan on using Cheetah in a standalone capacity, you may also
want to put the contents of the included bin directory into a place on
your QSH or PASE path (not the Python search path). They are intended
to be executable scripts.

Finally, I will note that while Cheetah was generally a very
well-liked package, it hasn't been maintained in years, and never made
the transition to Python 3 support (which I suppose is why you're
using Python 2.7 for this). I take it you don't really intend to use
Cheetah yourself, but rather need it as a dependency for something
else? (Because if you want a templating engine for your own use, there
are definitely other choices.)

John Y.

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