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This is probably heresy, but I'll ask anyway. If i5/OS is the bestest
OS in the land, why is it losing (or barely maintaining) market share,
and other OSes are gaining? Is it because our relatively small cadre
of i5/OS fans are smart and the rest of the industry stupid? I find it
hard to believe that the majority of computer installations are wrong
and we are right. Of course, that being said, *I* know that i5/OS is
the best OS. :)

On Jan 15, 2008 6:39 AM, Aaron Bartell <albartell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
A couple comments:

1) Windows and i5/OS are not created equal. What I mean by that is most all
shops would agree that i5/OS is more stable than Windows. We can talk all
day about having the best and most knowledgable Windows engineers, but in
the case of i5/OS, you simply don't need to have an elite to make
stability/reliability/security happen. Am I way off here?

2) I can see where you are coming from with zero-down-time. Guess it
depends on your business needs. I have some customers with a zero down SLA
in place where two i5/OS instances are necessary to keep their web services
available through maint schedules, but the majority can have that 4 hour
maint window over the weekend to apply what they need. Again, this get's
back to the history of i5/OS vs. Windows - IMO it just takes more people to
keep a Windows farm running vs. a farm of i5's.

I do respect your opinion because as far as I can tell you have a fair
amount of experience in both camps. It just surprises me that you are so
anti-i5/OS. I get the feeling the root is pricing and that then effects
most of your other opinions/facts to have people steer towards Windows
clusters/farms. If the pricing for hardware and OS were a wash between
Windows and i5/OS, which would you prefer in most cases?

Aaron Bartell

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-nontech-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx

[mailto:midrange-nontech-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Lukas Beeler
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:15 AM
To: Non-Technical Discussion about the AS400 / iSeries
Subject: Re: i5 Youngsters

On 1/15/08, Aaron Bartell <albartell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here is where I struggle. To me you are simply describing ways to
eventually get to the stability of the System i, whereas I didn't have to

A properly setup and maintained cluster will always have better
availability than the System i. You can apply Windows Service packs
etc. in a Cluster with Zero Downtime. You can't do that if you only
have a Single System i. You'll need at least multiple i5/OS instances
on the same hardware, plus a replication/HA software like MIMIX.

Read my blog at http://projectdream.org
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