adding for searching all libs(tested on V7.4):

with libs (ln) as (select objname
from table (qsys2.object_statistics('*ALLSIMPLE', 'LIB')))
select ln as library, objname, objtype, objattribute, objsize, objcreated, last_used_timestamp, objowner, objdefiner, objtext
from libs, lateral (select *
from table (qsys2.object_statistics(ln, '*USRIDX *PDFMAP *PSFCFG' )) ) ;


DEnglander--- via MIDRANGE-L wrote on 9/13/2024 8:32 AM:
select objlib, objname, objtype, objattribute, objsize, objcreated,
last_used_timestamp, objowner, objdefiner, objtext
from table(object_statistics('QGPL', '*ALL')) where
objtype in('*USRIDX', '*PDFMAP', '*PSFCFG') or
objattribute in('USRIDX', 'PDFMAP', 'PSFCFG')

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