I Think you have to create a db2 plan on the mainframe. Maybe do a grant to the mainframe db2 table.  Then your sql will need a connect statement: connect to zsystemid userid password;  IBM has a product thats extra that will allow you to create sqls where you can do a:  select * from zsystemid.schema.file a left outer join ibminame.lib.file b on a.field = b.field where a.field = 'somevalue';Its been a while since I have done this obviously. You might download a copy of IBM data studio.  Its free and you can navigate the mainframe and ibm i schema.  Not sure you can connect ACS to the mainframe. Probably not. 

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, 06:17:13 PM CDT, Patrik Schindler <poc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I'm searching for clues what to enter in the third value of RMTFILE ("Nonstandard file 'name'" on the CRTDDMF command when I want to access tables in DB2 on OS/390 from OS/400.

I skimmed through the Distributed Data Management book (SC41-5307) but I've not found anything pertaining to this requirement.

Anyone having experience with this?

:wq! PoC

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