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This can be accomplished with a procedure which returns a varying length

What I think would be neat would be the ability of the programmer to write
their own BIFs. The difference between a BIF and a procedure being that the
BIF has code which runs at compile time as well as execution time. During
compile time the BIF can evaluate the BIF arguments and adjust the
execution time code of the BIF. For example, a BIF that runs a REGEX could
contain additional features in the REGEX which allow the REGEX capture
group to be copied to RPG variables.


On Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 12:01 AM Javier Sanchez <
javiersanchezbarquero@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Honestly, I didn't want to go and look for the already posted proposals for
new TRs in RPG.

If this already exists and was rejected, just throw me a lot of rotten eggs

I am thinking of a new BIF: %SPACES(nSpaces)

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