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The way the PAG is built (at least with my older knowledge) I don't think
that simply locking a program will stop it from execution by another user.
If you consider that many ERPs rely on multiuser programs it would be hard
to swallow a restriction like that.

Jim Oberholtzer
Chief Technical Architect
Agile Technology Architects

On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 9:32 AM VERNON HAMBERG Owner via MIDRANGE-L <
midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Perzackly, Jim - that's why I suggested QUSLJOB with a specific job name
in the parameter - have know James too long, right?

Putting an *EXCL on a *PGM was suggested - I've never seen that work -
just tried it with a simple program that sent an *INQ message in it, then
locked it and called it. While waiting for a reply, I went to another job
under my name in the same system, called the program, and i got the same
*INQ message.

So locking the program didn't stop me from using it in a different job -
would it block a different user? I can't test that here at the moment.

We often lock something like a *DTAARA to act as that semaphore, sometimes
*EXCL, sometimes *EXCLRD, it appears in a quick iSphere search.


On Wed, 15 May, 2024 at 9:02 AM, Jim Oberholtzer <
midrangel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

To: midrange systems technical discussion

All good stuff, however remember that James is sometimes running systems
that are not real current, so the SQL helpers that IBM has built may not be
available. Hence the semaphore.

Jim Oberholtzer
Chief Technical Architect
Agile Technology Architects

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