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On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 2:01 PM Jay Vaughn <jeffersonvaughn@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

because our non-iseries people used a open source data replication tool
that placed sql triggers on our files that run incredibly long.
I'm refactoring that trigger but the end product is to output a string of
the before/after row in a csv string format.
that row is to be inserted into another table that is polled by the
off-platform process and pull the data off platform...

Are you saying the off-platform process is polling a table, and
expecting that table to contain a column which contains a CSV string,
and parsing that string to get the data?

so before we go off re-designing the process... this is what we are stuck

The off-platform process is already built and already expecting the CSV string?

Am I understanding correctly that the existing very-long-running
trigger already produces the desired output, just too slowly? If so,
how is it doing it now? How are you going to improve on it?

The choice of CSV *string* (not file!) as a transport format is
fascinating to me. I can understand not wanting (or perhaps not being
able) to change the off-platform process. But I feel better choices
could have been made.

For example, the latest versions of Db2 for i have JSON-handling
capabilities. If designed from the ground up with JSON in mind, it
probably would have been easier on both ends.

As it stands, I'm still kind of skeptical that the off-platform
process couldn't be changed (and improved).


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