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The question is why would you want EVERY fix?

Let me give you a prime example (real situation). Let's say IBM has two
fixes. Applying one fix would have WRKACTJOB show you activation groups
upon default. The other group would make WRKACTJOB look like it did back
in the dark ages (which some people prefer). Neither one of these will
ever make it to a cume, because doing so would violate their conflicting
purpose. Sure, most times IBM would handle that with some other method of
defaulting the appearance (and often do) but they have done it this way

What you can do is create some sequential job schedule entries. One would
the cume ptf.
Sure, this will be a little behind, depending on how often they upgrade
each of the group PTF's. But I had a shop that ran this every weekend and
then did an IPL. And all this was from the job scheduler.

Rob Berendt

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