× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I would be very interested indeed to discover that such a program could
truly be processor bound. I will grant, however, :
1 - That I've heard that very example used in the past. Big monolithic
program doesn't handle well with multiple little processors (since it
doesn't thread) but demands bigger processor.
2 - IDK as much about performance as I should.
3 - That you did say IBM and others

That being said I do have a question or two.

Are you using journalling? If so, do you have 5770-SS1, 42, HA Journal
Performance installed? It made more of a difference here than SSD's did.
Granted, there are those who say that if you recode your programs for
better commits, etc that you do not need this. However, when looking at
modifying canned software, the sheer number of programs involved and other
factors it was an easy business decision to purchase this software.
Somewhere I have some old time trials and it was outstanding. Remember,
it's not the official IBM try and buy program but you can load it on and
have 70 days before the key expires to give it a whirl. This is what we
did. We timed our trial so that it would hit two period ends (outage due
to the big closing programs being our biggest concern). Boss couldn't
write the check fast enough. It's darn well worth it. Especially after
we tried all SSD's which helped, but nearly as much. And that option
costs significantly less than SSD's. (the list does not support bolding,
coloring, increasing the font size and underlining "significantly")

Rob Berendt

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