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There are at least two options that I know of Buck.

Scott's UNIXCMD (https://www.scottklement.com/unixcmd/) which now offers an RPG OA interface so it can be used just like you'd use a regular file.

Plus Ranger has done some experimental stuff which on the YiPs site http://yips.idevcloud.com/wiki/index.php/RPG/RPG - there are a number of options there. I have not used them yet though so I can't compare with Scott's work.

Jon Paris


On Dec 5, 2016, at 11:15 AM, Buck Calabro <kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 12/3/2016 7:15 PM, Nathan Andelin wrote:

I wouldn't personally put Java in that same list, although I understand
why someone would.

Buck, you know Java runs in PASE now. Right? Why not include it with PHP,
Python, Perl, Node, Ruby, etc as a PASE hosted language environment?

For me, it's not PASE that's the issue. For me, in my green-only world,
the issue is 'how do I have my RPG code base use 'x' - execute the
functionality and get a response back'?

I can make requests from RPG to Java in a very simple, straightforward
manner - CALL/PARM if I want. Cannot do the same with the others on
that list.


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