My vendor was also for a cache battery replacement.
I would change my QSTRUP program to have a RETURN as the first executable
statement. So while the system technically started not much really did
start and shutdown was quick.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lindstrom, Scott R.
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2016 10:55 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: BRMS literate (was SAVE 21 and stay restricted)
I had a hardware vendor that required the same signed statement. But I
don't think they cared if it was a BRMS save or a native save - as long as
you said you had one.
Scott Lindstrom
-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Jeff Crosby
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2016 10:32 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: BRMS literate (was SAVE 21 and stay restricted)
I double-checked and they are BRMS literate. My mistake.
Some years back they had an incident where a company swore they had a SAVE
21 tape. They didn't. That company then found out their regular backups
were incomplete. They experienced a loss of data including some
engineering docs dating to the birth of said company. Oops.
Since that time they have required customers to sign a document they have a
SAVE 21.
On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 9:58 AM, Rob Berendt <rob@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sorry, didn't see this.https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.ibm.com_support_knowledgecenter_en_ssw-5Fibm-5Fi-5F73_apis_wm1.htm&d=DQICAg&c=_2JymsjkoSdpgdT4DmA4bg&r=-518Ilz5cVhEAzb0mENLKbaCPCUJ_jWIaTTDYAFSng4&m=sBG__CE1k3F1co7ZSS52-5VTBxz1P9C8baG18qJpSm4&s=d3S-vcjITrYomrnF6z7kCPcto0oi5e2NyAYJf7BA0Hs&e=
I suggest a different tech company. If they're totally BRMS illiterate
then the odds are not likely they are a certified IBM i administrator.
I've done unload/reload's from BRMS. Like from Power 6 to Power 8. It's
a great way to test the validity of your BRMS recovery reports.
However, it's probably getting close to time so you aren't likely to
switch (at least for this occurrence).
I, too, did not see STRSBS in QMNSAVE. I also checked for an API which
may have been called. Such as those at
and didn't see such a beast.the
And nothing at
20. Define save system and user data defaults
grabbed my attention as applicable.
One option is to tell the save to prompt for commands and F12 out of the
final STRSBS. (I'd love the see the program call stack at that time!)
Of course, you may lose time baby sitting the commands versus starting
save, going for dinner and coming back when you expect it to be done.You
may find it just more beneficial to accept it and end the subsystems atthe
the end. Ensuring that you fully follow their directions (as shown in
help for option 21):https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.dekko.com&d=DQICAg&c=_2JymsjkoSdpgdT4DmA4bg&r=-518Ilz5cVhEAzb0mENLKbaCPCUJ_jWIaTTDYAFSng4&m=sBG__CE1k3F1co7ZSS52-5VTBxz1P9C8baG18qJpSm4&s=FJlVzOQHMRQ8dmF_F6tRLbatCuu8MMlK3GOpym2Rc64&e=
DLYJOB JOB(number-of-seconds)
DLYJOB JOB(number-of-seconds)
I'd do it slightly different. But, no, ENDSBS *ALL does not negate
needing to run the appropriate ENDTCPSVR, ENDHOSTSVR, ENDTCP. TCP has
gotten pretty persistent that bad things may happen if one assumes that
just doing ENDSBS is sufficient. Really bad.
Rob Berendt
IBM Certified System Administrator - IBM i 6.1
Group Dekko
Dept 1600
Mail to: 2505 Dekko Drive
Garrett, IN 46738
Ship to: Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755
From: Jeff Crosby <jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 11/01/2016 09:32 AM
Subject: Re: SAVE 21 and stay restricted
Sent by: "MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Because the recovery steps are different. Neither I nor the tech has
recovered a full system from a BRMS save (I've never had to recover ANY
system by any means). The tech company requested a SAVE 21 so that's
I'm going to give them.to
On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 9:25 AM, Steinmetz, Paul <PSteinmetz@xxxxxxxxxx>
Just curious.
Why are you doing a Save 21 if you have BRMS?
Why not do a similar process from BRMS?
-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Jeff Crosby
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2016 9:22 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: SAVE 21 and stay restricted
We have BRMS as well.
I did a RTVCLSRC on QMNSAVE. There's no STRSBS in there. And there's
CHKTAP either, but I know a SAVE 21 does one.
That CL program is not CL 101 methinks. :)
On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 9:11 AM, Jim Oberholtzer <
The "21" save is really just a CLP (QMNSAVE) that IBM wrote to back
up the system. So to stop the system from coming back up modify the
program so the very last step does not start the controlling
Better yet, create a new start up program that only sends a message
Ofthe operator message queue that says "I ran!" and then stops. That's
the easiest. When you're done set it back to normal.
This is all assuming you do not have BRMS as well.
Jim Oberholtzer
Agile Technology Architects
-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
thatJeff Crosby
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2016 7:54 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: SAVE 21 and stay restricted
IBM i 7.1, up to date on PTFs.
Saturday I will be doing a SAVE 21 prior to a cache battery replace.
The SAVE 21 will be attended because I'm using a library device.
When finished with the SAVE 21, I would like the system to stay in
restricted state. The tech is going to fail the cache battery at
thepoint and we'll issue a PWRDWNSYS. It seems like a waste to start
https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.itjungle.com_fhg_fhg051612-2Dstory03.html&d=DQICAg&c=_2JymsjkoSdpgdT4DmA4bg&r=-518Ilz5cVhEAzb0mENLKbaCPCUJ_jWIaTTDYAFSng4&m=sBG__CE1k3F1co7ZSS52-5VTBxz1P9C8baG18qJpSm4&s=XZrVSObhf04jlMeeI64kZPDTLwOq62Te2Dvcw6cPPH8&e=controlling subsystem only to immediately shut it down again.
I found this
endit's from 4 years ago and seems overkill for a one-off.
Question: Because it's attended, when the command comes up at the
F3?to start the controlling subsystem, what happens if I hit F12? Or
mailingWill that work and leave it restricted?
Jeff Crosby
VP Information Systems
UniPro FoodService/Dilgard
P.O. Box 13369
Ft. Wayne, IN 46868-3369
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Jeff Crosby
VP Information Systems
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P.O. Box 13369
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Jeff Crosby
VP Information Systems
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Jeff Crosby
VP Information Systems
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