When I went to change it in iNav I got this big warning that the control
group was not properly formatted for the graphical interface and to click
OK if I wanted it to be formatted
This was a concern of mine earlier. Just searched again for
BRMS interface differences
However, changing control groups created on the character-based interface
using the BRMS graphical interface is not recommended unless you
understand the following:
The BRMS graphical interface backup and archive control groups are
designed to be independent of each other. Thus, if you make changes to one
control group, it does not affect the others. To ensure this independence,
control groups that are updated with the BRMS graphical interface will
have all references to the character-based interface system policy
(*SYSPCY), archive policy (*ARCPCY), and backup policy (*BKUPCY) removed.
These references are resolved and replaced with the actual values when the
backup control group is saved by the BRMS graphical interface. Changes to
the archive policy, backup policy, or system policy in the character-based
interface do not affect backup or archive control groups that are created
or edited by the BRMS graphical interface. The exceptions to this are the
network function, sign-off exceptions, and the subsystem to check controls
in the system policy, which are used by the BRMS graphical interface.
There is nothing specified on this at the FAQ page at
Maybe they figure they've said it once.
Rob Berendt
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