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rob@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
This works:
echo $mycmd system $mycmd

Here's a simpler syntax:

echo "$mycmd"
system "$mycmd"

Want to know why yours worked? Let's examine it...

Whenever you put two strings in quotes next to each other, the system concatenates the strings. So if I might have this:

> echo "QSYS"
> echo '.LIB'
> echo "QSYS"'.LIB'

See... in that last example, I got QSYS.LIB because it concatenated the two strings, one containing QSYS the other containing .LIB. They were concatenated together.

Another important point... when you are in the middle of a string delimited by double quotes, the single quote character is treated as a normal character, and vice versa. So you could do this:

> echo "Klement's Sausage"
Klement's Sausage
> echo 'Scott "Darkbagel" Klement'
Scott "Darkbagel" Klement

See what I mean? The quotes aren't treated as delimiters when their already inside another set of quotes. They just act like normal characters.

however... unlike RPG or CL, when you put two quotes consecutively, it does NOT equal a single quote. Instead, it just figures you want to concatenate two strings.

If you're used to RPG or CL, you might expect this to work:

> echo 'Klement''s Sausage'
Klements Sausage

It didn't work. It didn't insert the apostrophe, because that's not how shells view things. It sees this as two strings, 'Klement' and
's Sausage' that are to be concatenated together. In fact, the preceding QShell would be more akin to the following CL code:

'Klement' *CAT 's Sausage'

Hope that makes sense... two consecutive quotes does not insert a quote, it just causes the two strings to be concatenated.

Now let's look at your example:


QShell sees this as a set of strings to be concatenated. It'll have broken them down like this:

2- '"'
3- ${1}
4- '"'

Then concatenate them together, which will work. However, you'll notice that ${1} is not inside any quotes... that means that this will only work with the "system" utility if ${1} has no spaces in it. Probably good enough for this program, though.

It's also more complicated than it needs to be. There was no need for the '"' to be in a separate string from the 'CPYFRMIMPF'. Since you were already inside single quotes, the double quotes didn't need any special escaping. You could've accomplished the same thing like this:


That does precisely the same thing that your example did.. the other quotes were superfluous, and frankly made it slightly harder to read.

But, the ${1} still can't have any spaces in it. Plus, you are passing double quotes to the "system" utility instead of single quotes, which, IMHO, just looks wrong :) There's really no need for your string to be inside strong quotes! Inside double-quotes, variables will be expanded, so you no longer have to put ${1} in a separate string. Plus, you can use single quotes instead of double quotes to surround the pathname.


Then... there's no reason to use ${} -- since the $1 would be surrounded by the single quotes, it won't confuse it with another variable. So you can leave off the curly braces (which can be a boon for globalization)


So that's the "simpler" version I arrived at. IMHO, it's cleaner to read and easier to understand. Plus, since the whole thing is still wrapped up in the double quotes, there's no problem having a space inside the stream file name. For example, if the stream file were named '/home/klemscot/maint quote.txt' this code would still work properly.

Sorry... long winded, I know... but I thought you might want to learn a little more about why yours worked, and how it could be simplified.

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