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This is a small 270 and the APC Backup UPS is cabled with the usual cable. This hasn't been a problem until just the last week and the power often flickers during the day so I believe that the UPS is really reporting weak batteries, I just think that the OS should be a little more flexible: A warning, some time setting and a chance to investigate before routinely shutting down the system would at least be more prudent.

However, I can't argue with Dr. Franken: If the batteries are weak and the system needs some time to shut down then shutting down is the *safest* option, just not very convenient. I have a Batteries Plus store nearby and I'll swing by and pick up a new set of batteries on my way back from the dentist this afternoon (misery loves company....)

It seems to me that not too long ago there was post about monitoring for UPS messages and taking some action. I'll search the archives and see what I can find.


rob@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

We got some crappy cables made to interface with our UPS. (Ever buy a cable place that specializes in the telecom business about 30 seconds before that bubble broke? We ended up closing them down.) We get CPI0964 - "Weak battery condition exists." every time we IPL. Looking at one now. For some reason this is a low priority situation. We're also led to believe that the cables only support a few wires ?4?. So it can only monitor for so many signals or some such thing. And, on this huge UPS we only have certain things wired up. Perhaps that is an issue there.
This UPS also supports something called "alerts". Basically it will send off various "alerts" to an alert server. And that will be our central point of handling. Then the trick is to route the alerts to a UPS program on the i5.

Rob Berendt

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