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On Mon, 9 Apr 2007, Peter Dow (ML) wrote:

How about instead of

"don't allow iSeries Access to end unless the user has signed off"

an option to "auto-signoff when iSeries Access terminal emulation window is closed."?

That should at least address the problems encountered by Jerry, unless (as you note) the problem is caused by power failure, etc.

That also doesn't work. How would the auto sign off happen? It can't be initiated by the iSeries as the iSeries doesn't know that the session is ending. iSeries Access can't type in "signoff" because the current screen may not allow that. Indeed, the user may not be allowed to type in commands at all. There is no code in the 5250 protocol that means sign off.

But even if it could, that would still lead to problems. What if the user is running an application? Simply forcing a sign off in the middle could leave things in a very unhappy state. As I said, the problem with going down this road is that there is no satisfactory solution. So a different approach is required, such as the commit logic discussed, employee management, or stateless work flow (i.e. http).

James Rich

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