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On 1/19/07, Buck <kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Look in the FAQ for RUNSQLSTM and you'll find an old but useful utility
that lets you run any SQL statement from a CL command line.

Hey Buck,

I realize this is stretching way back, since it appears you were limited to
old RPG, but do you remember if there was a reason why you (or the original
author, in case you didn't touch that part of it) did not use the maximum
number of values on STRQMQRY's SETVAR parameter?  SETVAR allows up to 50
variables, and each variable can hold 55 characters.  This is in contrast to
the utility's limits of 26 and 50, respectively.  I see a potential doubling
of the allowable length of a statement.  While I personally am not yet
dealing with SQL statements that approach the utility's current limit, I
have seen some doozies out there, and I would hate to be in the middle of
crafting a mega statement, only to be shot down because of the length.
Unless you have a better understanding of this than I do, I will attempt an
"enhancement" in my next free block of time.

Tis interesting how IBM set the limits on this command.  I understand this
utility uses STRQMQRY in a way IBM never intended.  Why didn't IBM add
another parameter to RUNSQLSTM for a direct statement, as an option to
providing a source member to find the statement(s) in?

BTW, I renamed the utility to EXCSQLSTM -- retro S/38 conventions!

- Dan

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