× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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Why hasn't it had a virus? Because it's some type of uber-OS that can't be
affected? Perhaps...or is it because entry costs into an AS/400 are about
USD $30K, and most pimply-faced 15 year olds can't come up with that? Not a
lot of warez versions of OS/400 laying around...

If all your network problems were sorted out by OS/400 years ago, why are
you using a network? Is there perhaps some other perceived value in running
Windows servers and clients?

I'm constantly amazed that people choose other systems than iSeries. How can
it be that the majority of the industry is dead wrong and it's only us true
iSeries believers that are right?

I think I need a glass of Kool-Aid...

From: fiona.fitzgerald@notes.royalsun.com
Reply-To: midrange-l@midrange.com
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: Re: OS/2 is FINALLY History (per IBM) :-(
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 17:54:58 +0000

Leif thinks - time to begin to open source OS/400...

I can't agree with that. OS/400 has never had a virus. It's a robust,
stable system.

Every single multi-user-related problem on Windows servers experienced by
our Network support
team, every single registry problem, scalability issue and authorisation
crisis gets the response "that was sorted out on OS/400 years ago"
And then they have to take down the lot to ensure eradication of a virus.
Rebooting with a virus scan adds at least 7 minutes to the delay in
powering each PC back up.

Let's not put the alligators back in this swamp, huh ?


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