This is a multi-part message in MIME format. -- [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Larry, You need to check out the AS/400 (ISeries/400 now) product line from IBM. It's been 64 bit for a long time. This system architecture are where Microsoft and Intel would like to be in 5 years. Unfortunately for them, when they get close, IBM will flip a few switches in the microcode and become a 96 or 128 bit system. Better yet, ALL of my programs will run the same day with no effort on my part. The "porting" will happen under the covers. I suggest you come to the COMMON conference in Nashville, April 14-18. Register at www.common.org There will be thousands of people willing to share the secret with you. We might even be able to get you a press credential..... :-)) Paul Nelson Braxton-Reed, Inc. pnelson@braxton-reed.com --
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