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Hello Antonio,

Like most of the others responding I don't know much about DLFM either.
However I have started it here on occasion.  It is yet another poxy Unix
port and sends most messages to the terminal session.  Thanks very much to
the idiot who designed that!  No second-level help. Doh!

I could not find any log files in the IFS that related to DLFM.  Given that
DLFM is a Unix port it would be usual to find a log file with some sort of
diagnostic information.

DLFM starts successfully here.  I vaguely recall having to do some
configuration the first time I started it.

When you start DLFM it cranks up at least 8 BCI jobs in the same subsystem
as the one you ran STRTCPSVR *DLFM in.  These jobs do not normally generate
a joblog so I changed the logging level.  There are no messages in any of
the joblogs.  That may be because DLFM starts successfully but I doubt it.
I don't think they send any joblog messages.  I think all messages go back
to the terminal session.  These jobs appear to start the real QZDLM jobs in

On my system (OS/400 VRM440 with latest Cume) there are only seven QZDLM
jobs.  I am missing the QZDFMCHD job so I don't think the fact it is missing
is your problem.

Given what you say regarding ENDTCPSVR not ending DLFM and that OpsNav can't
start or stop DLFM then the first thing I would do is ensure that you are
current on PTFs.  Then I would rerun INZDLFM and ensure that it completes
without errors.

Since I was only interested in starting and stopping DLFM I don't think I
defined prefixes or host information.  Perhaps there is something wrong with
those definitions.  I think you should run INZDLFM *ALL and then STRTCPSVR
*DLFM and see if it starts.  If it does then define prefix and host
information in stages.  Start and stop DLFM between each stage to locate the
point of failure.

Simon Coulter.

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