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I couldn't help but forward Simon's remarks to a bunch of people in
Rochester that are responsible for Ops Nav and are also responsible for the
"Future of CL Language" Just to let them hear.

The funny thing is that 5-10 years ago Rochester wouldn't even let commands
like that into QTOOLs !

Larry (Loen)  I remember talking to you Late one night at COMMON (Sharing a
couple of "Soda's") About how elegant the control language was for the 400,
and what a pinnacle it was for Character Based Command Structure and

The message from Roch. is NO NEW enhancements to a Control Language that
has F1 and F4 capabilities and has Adjustive/Noun structure (WrkF,DspPgm),
but they ARE porting TONS and TONS of Character Based Control Language
Commands that are a laughing stock for Syntax and usability.

In addition to Rickey Henderson's observation I would add Pogo's.   "We
have met the enemy, and He is Us"

John Carr

----- Original Message -----
From: "Simon Coulter" <shc@flybynight.com.au>

I wrote:
>> QSH CMD('cat file1 file2 > file3; rm file2; mv file3 file2')
>Hey, I like that!

You wrote:
You are kidding!  It is just Unix crap cluttering up what was a well
designed system.

I Respond: Simon,

This list needs more people like you.

I am not kidding, I am just trying to be positive as, to quote Rickey
Henderson, one of the best and winningest baseball players of my time,
his team has lost 10 games in a row:  "the ship be sinking".

Steve Richter

Hello Steve,

You wrote:
>> QSH CMD('cat file1 file2 > file3; rm file2; mv file3 file2')
>Hey, I like that!

You are kidding!  It is just Unix crap cluttering up what was a well
designed system.  Now that QSHELL exists we find it being used to 'assist'
with porting so DLFM, LDAP, DCE, and god knows what else use shell scripts
for configuration and WAS uses a shell script to install.  Bloody hell!
It's all crap.  These tools write error messages to STDOUT.  Can I press
for additional help on those messages? NO!!  These tools use arcane
for parameters.  What does -L mean?  Can I get decent prompting on the
parameters? NO!!  Oh, of course.  I'm supposed to use OpsNav to configure
these things or install WAS from a PC.  QSHELL was the start of the rot,
then we got PASE, and now things like DDNS require it.  More Unix mutton
ported to the AS/400 with the absolute minimum amount of work and then
dressed up to look like lamb with a pretty GUI via OpsNav.  Sod off
Rochester -- I want to manage my AS/400 **from** my AS/400, not some Unix
wanna-be or a Windoze PC that barely stays up long enough to perform the

>Where do I find a list of the commands that can be executed within QSH?

To answer your question -- The Information Centre explains all the QSH
commands and their parameters.  You'll find it tucked away under the Java
section (at least on 440 -- they may have moved it on 510).

Simon Coulter.

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